Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hi everyone,

Glad to see so many enthusiasts who are interested in opengl like me. Since we have not yet set up our first task I will take the liberty to suggest one for us. If you wish to , you can correct me and suggest an alternative. Since we are all starting and we can assume that most of us are uninitiated in this domain... lets all start from the beginning.

Our first task should be to setup the environment. We will have to get this opengl up and running and there are commands here that we need to understand and assimilate.

So mates, lets get on with this....

If there is something else or some other point where we better start. Please comment.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Introduction to OpenGL Spot

This blog was created with the purpose of give support to a study group interested in learning OpenGL. Here, this group of people will post reviews and summaries, in many media formats, that will cover the basic aspects related to OpenGL and computer graphics.